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The Family Altar

"Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings." Isaiah 58:12    

"Family devotionals" is a phrase that can instantly make many parents run for cover. Sometimes it creates guilt for not cultivating such spiritual nurturing, or perhaps a longing to know how. That is why SureFire Prayer is launching a mentoring tool called The Kingdom Culture Series designed to fulfill Isaiah 58:12. We begin with "The Family Altar."


We will take it to social media this summer to open the dialogue on this vital topic. It can go a long way to repairing "the broken walls" in the family. The Kingdom Culture series will culminate this September in the debut of a 31-Day SureFire Prayer Family Guide that will help take the guesswork out of family devotional time for parents.

I ask that you please bathe this project in prayer. We are still in the editing stages and I have five dads of various backgrounds and temperaments reviewing the material. My desire is that our 31-Day SFP Family Guide will appeal to men to take up the godly role of leading The Family Altar. We also address single parents and when women must lead.  


Next month I'll give you a sneak peek on tips within the guide as well as updates from my trip to the Dominican Republic



Paige Kolb

SureFire Prayer International Coordinator

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