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SureFire Prayer Galleries

Witness through these photos some of our SureFire Prayer encounters.

Guadalajara 2014

A fruitful time this spring in Spain! SureFire Prayer now has a Spanish-speaking travel team made up of vibrant young adults. Noemi and Alberto are giving leadership to this team. The one-day conference outside Madrid was a perfect place for them to practice the fundamentals of leading a SureFire event. It was a small conference with big results: God encountered His people with His love and families continue to be impacted through SureFire Prayer! 

Spain 2012

We returned to Spain to raise up a Latin American team to travel and take SureFire Prayer to the nations. We felt like we were in the book of Acts. God brought deep healing to broken hearts, deep repentance and surrender to the Lord by all generations, reconciliation between children and parents, and powerful praise and worship.​​

Atlanta 2012

SureFire Prayer Latin America came to the United States to bring SureFire Prayer to Spanish churches in the area. It was also a good time for North American churches to experience SureFire first-hand so they would know what to expect when SureFire Prayer launches in English-speaking churches in September 2013.

Madrid 2011

​​SureFire Prayer launched in Madrid, Spain with an overwhelming response. We saw God use the drawing of a little girl to spark reconciliation between Spaniards and South American immigrants. Fathers cried out to the Lord to activate them as leaders of their homes, and young adults were ignited to get involved.

Barcelona 2011

The Lord revealed in powerful ways the potential of little children in the body of Christ. Church leaders caught the vision that it’s more than teaching kids Bible stories; it’s about creating an environment where they can encounter their Heavenly Father by hearing Him through prayer.​​

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