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Meet the SureFIRE Prayer Team

SureFire Prayer has a team of dedicated servants who are offering their lives for the Kingdom of God. Get to know them here.

SureFire Prayer Staff

Paige Kolb
SureFire Prayer International Coordinator

Paige Kolb is a native Texan called by the Lord out of a successful media career at CNN to speak and write. Little did she know that her quiet times of developing the practice of “listening” prayer for the children at Lilburn Alliance Church outside Atlanta would one day become a grass roots movement of igniting a revivalists’ mindset among the youngest generation as well as accelerating and activating youth and young adults to walk in their Kingdom destinies. Paige’s roots in speaking and writing have served her well. She has developed the materials for SureFire Prayer to be transferrable to any culture.

Paige is married to Luke (whom she refers to as her kinsman redeemer), has two prayer warriors in the making—Adam and Sophia—and enjoys home educating her children, a blessing that affords her time to travel for SureFire Prayer.

“One of my greatest callings is to identify and call forth leaders—just like Anna in Luke 2. She recognized Jesus as the Messiah because of her devotion to worship, fast, and pray. To think that I get the privilege of doing the same thing for this up and coming generation is a powerful assignment I joyfully live out through SureFire Prayer!”

Inés Yahaira
Lead Administrator & Leader of Interpreter Team

Inés Yahaira Fernández is originally from the Dominican Republic. She spent part of her childhood in the DR and in NY. It was during her teenage years that she had an amazing encounter with the Lord and felt called to be in ministry. In 1997, she came to the US to pursue a Master’s degree in Transportation Engineering at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. She went on to work in corporate America and relocated to Florida for several years. During that time, she felt the Lord calling her to simplify her career and spend more time in ministry.

Over the past four years, the Lord has transitioned Inés more and more into ministry. She left engineering and relocated back to Arkansas and is now working as a Certified Spanish Judicial Interpreter in the NWAR area. By God’s grace, her work allows her to closely interact with children and families in various circles and ministries. Inés is working hand-in-hand with Paige, serving as her Spanish interpreter and liaison in the administration side of the ministry.

She also heads up the SureFire Prayer Interpreter Team. She is certain that her involvement in the ministry of SureFire Prayer was nothing short of God’s Divine appointment for her life.

SureFire Prayer Staff
SureFire Prayer Staff

Hiram D. Sostre
SureFire Prayer's Pastor

Born in Puerto Rico, Hiram Sostre describes himself as a friendly encourager dedicated to growth. He has a strong belief of living a life with a strong spiritual and moral compass— quality that serves him well as SureFire Prayer’s Pastor. One of Hiram’s strengths is looking at things in a positive way, no matter the challenges or strategic planning necessary. He has a heart for people-building, communication, and tenacity in the Holy Spirit.

In 1993, Hiram moved to Atlanta with his new bride, Yolanda. Hiram worked as an RN for 5 years before the Lord re-directed his path away from a nursing carrier. He then pursued a Master in Christian Education, knowing God’s time in ministry was near. Currently Hiram serves as the associate pastor for Cristo Vive Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. He and Yoly, along with their two daughters, live in Dacula, Georgia.

Yoly Sostre
SureFire Prayer Worship and Creative Arts Team Leader

Yoly Sostre serves as the Worship and Creative Arts Team Leader for SureFire Prayer. She has been involved in music ministry as a worship leader since 1997. Her singing skills in both Spanish and English serve her well as she leads many into worshiping the Lord in spirit and truth.

“I’m passionate about serving and worshiping the Lord through music. My strengths are strategic planning and motivating a team to accomplish success together,” she said. These serve Yoly well as she helps younger generations find their fit for service within SureFire Prayer.

Born in New York, Yoly has a strong belief in the well-being of others. She is a licensed occupational therapist specializing in pediatric occupational therapy. She is currently the worship leader for Cristo Vive Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Yoly and her husband, Hiram, live in Dacula, Georgia with their two daughters.

SureFire Prayer Staff
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