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Be a Torchbearer:
We are looking for partners to help us spread the vision of restoring and reconciling families

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Ways You Can Become a Torchbearer:

Regional Partners - $25,000
Reaching families in Latin America,
North America and West Africa.

Monthly Partners - $25 - $500
6, 12 or 24 months commitment.

One-Time Gifts - $1000 - $15,000

Financial or in-kind contributions

What Your Donation Can Do:
  • $50 will provide for one child’s registration to attend SureFire Prayer
  • $125 will provide for a  family of four to attend
  • Background checks of all volunteers
  • $30 to print 10 SureFire Prayer booklets.
  • It takes $7,500 to cover a team of three to travel internationally to bring SureFire Prayer.
  • This includes airfare, visas, vaccines, travel health insurance, lodging, food and transportation in-country.
  • $5,000 to sponsor on an entire SureFire Prayer Summit weekend for 250 people.
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For additional information about partnering
with SureFire Prayer, email

Forms of Payment Accepted:
Checks, American Express, Discover, VISA and MasterCard.

Automatic monthly withdrawals with debit
or credit cards are accepted

SureFire Prayer is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization through

College of Prayer International.
All contributions are tax deductible.


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