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Helping Kids Find Peace in Turmoil

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal.”

Recent events here in North America have left many of us shaken up. Just imagine the impact on children who rely on a stable environment. Trying to explain tragedies like the terrorist bombing at The Boston Marathon or the explosion in West, Texas to kids can be challenging.

Here are some strategies we use in SureFire Prayer that can help children cope:


Use Scripture.
Teach kids to go to the Bible when they are afraid, mad, or uncertain. Use a Bible app or concordance to look up a topic like “evil” to show kids how God will deal with people who go against His will. Search a word like “afraid” to show a child what they can do when they feel that way.


Respond in prayer.
Scripture can evoke relief, joy, and understanding. Guide a child to pray back to the Lord what the verse(s) said as a way of processing through their feelings.


Do something.
Giving back to the family or community is a way some kids feel they can counteract the bad behavior of others. Providing this outlet of service both helps the child and honors Christ. Take it to the next level and make it a family or Sunday school activity!


Feed yourself spiritually.
Kids pick up on your emotions so make sure you are leaning on the Lord in tough times. College of Prayer provides powerful and meaty messages that can minister deeply to your soul. Listen


Be there.
Your consistent love and presence is priceless in the life of a child. Dole
out love and blessing generously, both in word and deed!

Blessings and thank you for your prayers.

By Paige Kolb

SureFire Prayer International Coordinator

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